Darkness to Light: Poem of a Healing Journey

Breath holding.

Heart pounding.

Anxious for nothing.

Body on alert.

Mind goes to scary places.

Hyper vigilant for nothing.

Car accident. Arrested. Shamed.

Waiting for something to happen.

But nothing ever does.

I don’t know who I am.

So many limiting beliefs.

No where to turn.

Always in the past.

Missing the present moment.

Nothing I can do about it.

Where has my life gone?

Darkness. Surviving.

Breathing in acceptance.

Heart full of compassion.

Graced with self-love.

Body glimmering.

Mind calm.

Stillness is abundant.

Recovery. Healing. Connection.

Just where I need to be.

Peaceful life.

I know who I am.

I believe in my greatness.

Strong support network.

Living for the now.

In the present moment.

 I get to choose.

Where will my path take me?

Light. Living.

About Kelsey Budge

Hello, I'm Kelsey Budge, The Movement Doula. I support families that want to change their childbearing journey their second time around, with an emphasis on movement, mindset and recovery. I believe you can fully enjoy this journey when you can focus on what matters most.